Presentation and feedback
In this post i will be showing you feedback from our board game i will also show you through pictures how we made the board i will be showing you some of the feedback forms chosen at random (so we haven't cheated) to show you what feedback we had and mainly it was very pleasing feedback but we also had some criticism from our players about what could be made to make the game play experience better which is the main purpose so first i will show you the stages of our board and the inspirations for it.
The board
We Chose a rather strange shape for our board design but we thought making it a star shape we will be able to give each player his own coloured zone to spawn in.
This was the very first design of our map that was a star shape the mmap was still that simple that at this point all it had was lines connecting to dots and we game tested to see if the map was a good experiance to play on and we felt that movement on the map could be statigic yet simple and everything seemed to flow there was never any points where in games testing or game presentation that a player did not know how to move (with a quick tutorial first of course) after this we then decided to raise the board by gluing card around the radius of the star.
This is the board raised up on the card we did this because we chose an area for our game a kind of sceniro and we chose that this game will be set in a ancient ruined city in the dessert so if we raised the board we could add things around the side of the board making it a lot nicer to look at after this
This is a picture of our board almost finished as you can see it is now capable of gameplay we could of left it like this but we went one better and decided to add a wooden tile underneath almost like a support but just placing it under would not make it look like it was standing in the ruins of an anciant city so we painted the wood white as a base layer and while it was wet and kind of sticky we tipped brown sugar onto it making it look like a layer of sand was on top of the board making the scene a little more beliavale for the player. To really finish it off we added some ruins we made by hand to make it look even better.
This is our final porduct a fully playable as you can see in this picture we have added the wooden board and brown suagar i think it gives the board a really nice effect to look at on pictures or in person becuase it does look like sand is really on the map and the ruins we all made really was a good idea as it made the map look complete and well fit into our chosen environment and as a finishing touch we printed out pictures of ruins we found and stuck them onto the cardboard holding the map up to make it look a little nicer and to hide the black card which would not of fit in the maps appearance at all.
The Feedback
While the students wer playing our game they were having a good time lots of laughing and smiling which is ultimately what we wanted because if the game isnt fun people wont play it here are some videos that i personally filmed while others were playing the game enjoy.
We also supplied the students with feedback orms after they had finished there games feedback was very positive throughout i think the students had a very good time playing due to not having a lot of constructive critisim which shows they were happy playing the game.
These are the feedback froms we made to give to the students we chose these at random
In conclusion i beleive in 3 weeks we made a very good game the mechanics were solid so nothing could of gone wrong and nothing did through play testing and presentation day and also the board and game looked very plaeasing for the player. I could never of done this by myself so i would also like to thank the reast of the team game would not of been anywhere near as good as it is now without you so good work guys.
(our game will NOT be on sale in stores near you)
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