Sunday, 28 October 2012

pitch document Content

Content for my pitch

In this post i will be showing you what i would include in my pitch document so basically i will tell you what i would like to include in my pitch and also a rough guide for the order of my content so an initial index page.


So after looking at other pitch documents i have a rough idea of what should be included in the pitch things like an overview of the game, player responsibilities, weapons, descriptions of the world and the players interactivity in it and finally a summery these are the recurring aspects i keep seeing looking through other pitches my pitch will also have added things in there to help it to stand out and make it look special and when people read it to throw money at it.


As i said this is only an initial index page layout so it may change depending on the content.
1) Narration page a type of in game material or speech that will set the tone for the game and pitch document.
2) Content page showing the contents of the pitch
3) A Background of the world and whats happening in it to give the reader a sense of story
4) A back story of the character to give the reader a sense of who you will be playing as
5) A brief description of the companion options in the game
6) Overview
7) Weapons page with a few weapons drawn to show the reader  the type of weapons we want
8) How the world will react to the player and his choices
9) Summery
So this is the general plan for my pitch document this may change through the next couple of days to make it the best i can.

Friday, 26 October 2012

high concept document layout


The Layout


In this blog i will be talking about the design of my actual pitch document for my research i will be looking at actual game pitch documents that went on to be real games.

The Research

For my research i found it hard to find a lot of pitch documents that had been released but the best one i saw was the pitch document for Bioshock. I used the document for me to really see what an acceptable pitch document was like so i had a ground knowledge of its layout and content to put into my document. As reading through i noticed a lot of things i liked about the document in almost all the pages there was a small narration at the top of the page which really lets your imagination run wild with the look of the game and its general atmosphere I think that this would be a great tool to use in my document. I had also looked at the content of what was in hear so that i know what to include in the document to make it industry worthy. Also another aspect of the document i like is that even the pages are not the same every single page has a picture faded into the background to make it look a lot more interesting.

Why I chose Bioshock

I chose the Bioshock pitch because looking through others i didn't really feel they connected to my game I did read other documents I'm not saying because it wasn't like my game i didn't read it I just found that the bioshock in my opinion held the best pitch document that i could use as an example for my work not to copy but to use as almost a help guide if i don't know what to put in. Another reason i thought bioshock was the best was because of its relatble to my game which helps so much if i was using the GTA pitch it would be like using the wrong tool for the job since my game is not one set where you can 'Jack' cars and play darts with your annoying cousin. And that is why i chose the Bioshock Pitch to use as my primary source of influence for my document. 

Friday, 19 October 2012

Pitch Project Mood board Explinations

The reasons why

In this post i will be showing you the different texts i have done to provide reasoning for my mood boards and whats on them.


Basically in this reason i have gone over what environments the player will travel in from deserts to cities. I have also explained that the game is set in the past so everything will look older and more ancient. Also i explained why i chose certain types of environments to make an atmosphere for the player to be drawn into.


   In this board i explained the type of weaponry that my game will include as you know it is set in the past so i am mainly looking at basic weapons such as swords, spears, axes etc. I also explained that there will be a weapon for everyone to enjoy since everyone has there own individual play style.


In this last mood board I made for characters I explained that wanted my characters to be semi-realistic and then told where my influences were. I also included why i had characters that were not human, I included characters such as Grunt and liara from the mass effect universe and i also included iorveth from the witcher 2 I did this on purpose for my game since it has different species how realistic they could still look and how a player could imagine then moving and talking in there head as well as they could imagine a human doing the same. 

Weapon and Character mood boards

Weapon and character mood boards


In this post i will be showing you the new mood boards i have made to help me with character and weapon design also for an audience to take one look and know what I'm trying to say about the subject


   In the weapon mood board i done i have put all medieval type weapons like swords and axes i have dome this because my game is set in the past i have taken weapons as influences form Fable, Dynasty warriors, Skyrim and age of chivalry .


  In the character mood board i have shown that i would like my characters to be pretty realistic looking as a player i prefer this i feel its more relateble so i enjoy the game more. As examples i used characters from Fable, Mass Effect, The witcher 2 and dishonored. Also as my world has different races like elves, dwarfs i have put none human characters in the board to show even though they are not real they can still look as realistic as humans.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Mood board and Game Items

Mood Board And Game Items


In this post i will show my mood board for some environments and also a initial synopsis that i didn't like but i did make it look like an in game item that you could read which would be interesting so others could see what type of game it would be just from the look of one object.

This is My first mood Board on environment i show a lot of ruins and dark landscape to give it a darker feel to show that the game isn't always bright and happy it also has its darker environments. There are also a lot of ruins in the game since the game will revolve around you trying to find a ruin that holds a great evil inside of it to stop the prince or to harness it for yourself.

  This was my first design i made it look older by using an older wallpaper for the paper background i then got a picture of blood splatter and the changed the contrast so it looks like the blood has been stained into the paper for a long time which fits into my game well.To make it look older i used an older looking font.
 I improved this by fading the writing a little more to make it look older and then wherever the blood splatter is i changed the text to go red which looks like it has soaked into the ink.
In this final improvement i had took the file into photo shop and erased some of the writing not so its unreadable but to make it look older all these improvements combined made the document look very good and fits into my world very good i believe that if someone saw this they would no what my game should look like.

Project 2 Synopsis


My story will be set in a fictional world named Pangea where the world is at war between the king and his younger brother the king is fighting against his brothers rebel soldiers because his brother wants the throne which will surely throw the world into an era of darkness and suffering. You will play as clayty a member of a gang made up of thieves, mercenaries and mages you will be able to select a class at the beginning of the game from your first choice to your last the world will change depending on your choices. The game will be an RPG where the player is free to pursue other quests apart from the main story line. Throughout the game you will make choices that will effect everyone you can choice a good option bad or to not do anything at all an example is if you had a quest to retrieve treasure sure could just give it to the person who asked to help the poor to be good or you could give it to the prince to help his rebels or you could keep it maybe make that bandit hideout of yours a little sweeter. The environments you will encounter will be different you could face harsh deserts to thriving forests, abandoned cities to teaming kingdoms full of people so the game will be very diverse in many different ways. 

New Project game design document

New Project 

High Concept Design Document


Our new project is to design a high concept design document but we have to use the board game we made as a point of inspiration and turn it into a video game we can make it anything we like as long as it has elements of our board game in it such as characters location. My initial thoughts for this were to make the game location set in desert locations and looking in ruins for different objects maybe for treasure or to save someone. my thoughts on genre would be i would make it an open world rpg very much like fable,skyrim etc so the player could go to different places and have a variety of places to go whcich would not limit him to just the one sandy terrain.