The reasons why
In this post i will be showing you the different texts i have done to provide reasoning for my mood boards and whats on them.
Basically in this reason i have gone over what environments the player will travel in from deserts to cities. I have also explained that the game is set in the past so everything will look older and more ancient. Also i explained why i chose certain types of environments to make an atmosphere for the player to be drawn into.
In this board i explained the type of weaponry that my game will include as you know it is set in the past so i am mainly looking at basic weapons such as swords, spears, axes etc. I also explained that there will be a weapon for everyone to enjoy since everyone has there own individual play style.
In this last mood board I made for characters I explained that wanted my characters to be semi-realistic and then told where my influences were. I also included why i had characters that were not human, I included characters such as Grunt and liara from the mass effect universe and i also included iorveth from the witcher 2 I did this on purpose for my game since it has different species how realistic they could still look and how a player could imagine then moving and talking in there head as well as they could imagine a human doing the same.
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