Monday, 10 December 2012


Lighting in the map

Since we are making a Tudor era map we need to have the right lighting which Will be very candle lit rooms so know lights this will have advantages and disadvantages the advantage of having these candle lit rooms are that the atmosphere will be better the rooms will be darker and more orange coloured because of the candles and not illuminated and white like the lights today but the disadvantage is that lights are not that bright by this i mean there radius is not large so to make a room light up you may need a few lights in it putting stress on the engine making it take longer to build so i researched all candle lit rooms to get a better understanding of the way they give off light/

Friday, 30 November 2012

The items needed

Items Of the Era

Since we have chosen a specific period in time all the items we make have to be historically accurate to make the game seem better made so i have made a list of items needed which includes

plain wooden tables
blood splatters
Children paintings (for narrative)
candles sticks
ink wells
bodies (dead)
crucified man
various paintings of students teachers
black boards
upside down crosses
more from this list would be added as the project goes on if they are needed and if there is enough time but all these items must be researched to what they looked like in the Tudor period so that we stay historically accurate.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

how to put more narrative in the map


The narrative in the map


We talked about this and got to the conclusion pretty fast of how we would do it. We decided we will tell the player about what happened before you got their through pictures on the walls not normal framed pictures but children's pictures painted on the walls with blood telling you a visual story of the schools past what the children did and how the school ended up like this. I think that this is a fantastic idea because when i want to know the back story i usually have to read a huge in game book which almost know one will do but in this level players will get little hints of what happened and will be able to put it together themselves making the experience better.

The maps full story


The Full Story

You will play as a Father who was just arrived at your daughter Bethany's Boarding school you plan to take her back home. As you approach the school you can feel something isn't right its too quiet there are no children running around and no teacher either, you approach the doors of the school and they are slightly open you step into the school to see a horrific sight, their are bodies everywhere bodies of all ages from teachers to children no older than 10 it is as if a pack of wild dogs was released on them. You panic trying to find Bethany as you are searching you find a book with her name on it as soon as you pick it up the book the book begins talking to you shouting daddy help me somehow Bethany is talking to you through the book you ignore how strange it seems because you have to find her and this is the only way you have The first thing the book says is that she does not know where she is so you must re-trace her steps completing the tasks that she says on the way strange things like lighting candles in a certain order and turning crosses upside down as you get closer to her the voice deepens and starts saying stranger and darker things but you continue because you know you are almost to Bethany's location. As you enter the final room you see your daughter Bethany's body lying there lifeless it looks like it has been their for months you realise that there was no way Bethany was the one talking to you, the book begins to laugh menacingly all the candles in the room are suddenly blown out you can see nothing only darkness and the books laughter slowly stops and after a few moments of silence the book utters the words " Welcome to Hell"
So guys this is the story for the teams level i think if done properly this will be fantastic to play.  

The story of the level


The story of the level

While the artsits were designing the assats needed i got the job of coming up with a story to the level so when i am designing the level i will have a clear sence of direction and how the level should feel and most importantly how it would make the player feel. Here are the short stories to the map.
The ghost of a Whipping boy ( a Whipping boy will be a boy who take the punishment for a rich familes child) draws a man into the school where he died to find his body thus saving the Whipping boys soul.
School children finds a mysterious book and follow the instuctions it tells them like turn crosses upside down draw pentagrams ect and they are tricked into summoning a demon which kills everyone in the school.
A Father has arrived at his daughters boarding school to take her home as he gets there he can tell something isnt right their are bodies everywhere lying in pools of blood you find a book with your daughters name on it which which talks to you and gives you instructions to follow so you can get to your daughter as you complete more and more objectives for the book its voice changes and becomes more menevolant which in the end traps you and takes you to Hell.
The children of the school become possessed leading you into the school and they eventually hunt you down once inside and kill you.
after a team discusion we chose the 3rd story about the father looking for his daughter we thought that this would play on the players heart and drive them to get further and further to get your daughter back. We belive that the level would also be able to tell its own story about what happened to everyone else.

Why the Tudors


Why we chose the Tudors

We as a team did talk about having it in different times like the future or present but also the past i was strongly drawn to the past option because people were a lot more superstitious back then and very strict in schools so we would be able to put some very strange goings on in the level. I was also drawn more to this because of the assats the artists need to make like if its futuristic we don't really know what anything would look like so we may have things out of place and it would be hard to have ideas that everyone can have a Strong image in their head of what it would look like because it simply doesn't exist yet. And finally since we don't have enough time to make fully made enemies we could have a demon/spirit enemy and as i said the medieval times people were very superstitious which even though we don't have visual enemies running around we can play with the players head and make him turn around every time a noise is made or some candles are blown out. The last reason why i thought past was the best was because of the lighting i would be more freaked out if a room of candles were all blew out rather than lights turning off with candles if gives you the feeling that something big is in the room with you. And after more group meetings we did all decide to chose the  past for the reasons i said above.

The time Period and setting


The Time period and Setting

So now we had our genre figured out we had to pick a where and a when for the level we had a list of ideas which were a castle,Factory,Manor,Hospital,Prison,Derelict Buildings,School and a lab after a discussion we narrowed it down to either the Hospital or the School we and after another discussion we went for the school we believe that the what makes things really scary for a player is reliability if they could recognise themselves in that situation they get a lot more tense and example is derelict buildings if i was playing a horror game i wouldn't be able to relate because i have never really been in one so i wouldn't bee on edge but if i was playing a horror game that was set in a school everyone has been to a school so they would be able to relate and that's what gives a player that little shock and burst of adrenaline when something does happen to them. No for the era we decided to go for a more medieval look and we settled in the Tudor era so between the years if 1485-1603.

Research for level


Research for the level


We are in a team of 3 which consists of me as the designer and 2 artists we began by researching games that had very good narratives in other words maps that tell a story of their own we began looking at games like Left for dead, Dead space, Amnesia and more we didn't limit ourselves to just games we looked at films that do the same films like Dawn of the dead,Cabin in the woods and R.E.C we quickly realised that all of the ones we thought of were all survival horror films and games so that is the direction we wanted to go we decided to make a level a survival horror level,. We now just had to decide the setting and the era.

Project 3 Level Narrative


Project 3


We have been given our third project which is to collaborate with the artists in the class to make a level with a very good narrative basically we will have the artists create assists in 3D modelling programmes and the they will put them in the unreal engine for the designers like myself to make a level out of so all posts from now will be on this project.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

pitch document Content

Content for my pitch

In this post i will be showing you what i would include in my pitch document so basically i will tell you what i would like to include in my pitch and also a rough guide for the order of my content so an initial index page.


So after looking at other pitch documents i have a rough idea of what should be included in the pitch things like an overview of the game, player responsibilities, weapons, descriptions of the world and the players interactivity in it and finally a summery these are the recurring aspects i keep seeing looking through other pitches my pitch will also have added things in there to help it to stand out and make it look special and when people read it to throw money at it.


As i said this is only an initial index page layout so it may change depending on the content.
1) Narration page a type of in game material or speech that will set the tone for the game and pitch document.
2) Content page showing the contents of the pitch
3) A Background of the world and whats happening in it to give the reader a sense of story
4) A back story of the character to give the reader a sense of who you will be playing as
5) A brief description of the companion options in the game
6) Overview
7) Weapons page with a few weapons drawn to show the reader  the type of weapons we want
8) How the world will react to the player and his choices
9) Summery
So this is the general plan for my pitch document this may change through the next couple of days to make it the best i can.

Friday, 26 October 2012

high concept document layout


The Layout


In this blog i will be talking about the design of my actual pitch document for my research i will be looking at actual game pitch documents that went on to be real games.

The Research

For my research i found it hard to find a lot of pitch documents that had been released but the best one i saw was the pitch document for Bioshock. I used the document for me to really see what an acceptable pitch document was like so i had a ground knowledge of its layout and content to put into my document. As reading through i noticed a lot of things i liked about the document in almost all the pages there was a small narration at the top of the page which really lets your imagination run wild with the look of the game and its general atmosphere I think that this would be a great tool to use in my document. I had also looked at the content of what was in hear so that i know what to include in the document to make it industry worthy. Also another aspect of the document i like is that even the pages are not the same every single page has a picture faded into the background to make it look a lot more interesting.

Why I chose Bioshock

I chose the Bioshock pitch because looking through others i didn't really feel they connected to my game I did read other documents I'm not saying because it wasn't like my game i didn't read it I just found that the bioshock in my opinion held the best pitch document that i could use as an example for my work not to copy but to use as almost a help guide if i don't know what to put in. Another reason i thought bioshock was the best was because of its relatble to my game which helps so much if i was using the GTA pitch it would be like using the wrong tool for the job since my game is not one set where you can 'Jack' cars and play darts with your annoying cousin. And that is why i chose the Bioshock Pitch to use as my primary source of influence for my document. 

Friday, 19 October 2012

Pitch Project Mood board Explinations

The reasons why

In this post i will be showing you the different texts i have done to provide reasoning for my mood boards and whats on them.


Basically in this reason i have gone over what environments the player will travel in from deserts to cities. I have also explained that the game is set in the past so everything will look older and more ancient. Also i explained why i chose certain types of environments to make an atmosphere for the player to be drawn into.


   In this board i explained the type of weaponry that my game will include as you know it is set in the past so i am mainly looking at basic weapons such as swords, spears, axes etc. I also explained that there will be a weapon for everyone to enjoy since everyone has there own individual play style.


In this last mood board I made for characters I explained that wanted my characters to be semi-realistic and then told where my influences were. I also included why i had characters that were not human, I included characters such as Grunt and liara from the mass effect universe and i also included iorveth from the witcher 2 I did this on purpose for my game since it has different species how realistic they could still look and how a player could imagine then moving and talking in there head as well as they could imagine a human doing the same. 

Weapon and Character mood boards

Weapon and character mood boards


In this post i will be showing you the new mood boards i have made to help me with character and weapon design also for an audience to take one look and know what I'm trying to say about the subject


   In the weapon mood board i done i have put all medieval type weapons like swords and axes i have dome this because my game is set in the past i have taken weapons as influences form Fable, Dynasty warriors, Skyrim and age of chivalry .


  In the character mood board i have shown that i would like my characters to be pretty realistic looking as a player i prefer this i feel its more relateble so i enjoy the game more. As examples i used characters from Fable, Mass Effect, The witcher 2 and dishonored. Also as my world has different races like elves, dwarfs i have put none human characters in the board to show even though they are not real they can still look as realistic as humans.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Mood board and Game Items

Mood Board And Game Items


In this post i will show my mood board for some environments and also a initial synopsis that i didn't like but i did make it look like an in game item that you could read which would be interesting so others could see what type of game it would be just from the look of one object.

This is My first mood Board on environment i show a lot of ruins and dark landscape to give it a darker feel to show that the game isn't always bright and happy it also has its darker environments. There are also a lot of ruins in the game since the game will revolve around you trying to find a ruin that holds a great evil inside of it to stop the prince or to harness it for yourself.

  This was my first design i made it look older by using an older wallpaper for the paper background i then got a picture of blood splatter and the changed the contrast so it looks like the blood has been stained into the paper for a long time which fits into my game well.To make it look older i used an older looking font.
 I improved this by fading the writing a little more to make it look older and then wherever the blood splatter is i changed the text to go red which looks like it has soaked into the ink.
In this final improvement i had took the file into photo shop and erased some of the writing not so its unreadable but to make it look older all these improvements combined made the document look very good and fits into my world very good i believe that if someone saw this they would no what my game should look like.

Project 2 Synopsis


My story will be set in a fictional world named Pangea where the world is at war between the king and his younger brother the king is fighting against his brothers rebel soldiers because his brother wants the throne which will surely throw the world into an era of darkness and suffering. You will play as clayty a member of a gang made up of thieves, mercenaries and mages you will be able to select a class at the beginning of the game from your first choice to your last the world will change depending on your choices. The game will be an RPG where the player is free to pursue other quests apart from the main story line. Throughout the game you will make choices that will effect everyone you can choice a good option bad or to not do anything at all an example is if you had a quest to retrieve treasure sure could just give it to the person who asked to help the poor to be good or you could give it to the prince to help his rebels or you could keep it maybe make that bandit hideout of yours a little sweeter. The environments you will encounter will be different you could face harsh deserts to thriving forests, abandoned cities to teaming kingdoms full of people so the game will be very diverse in many different ways. 

New Project game design document

New Project 

High Concept Design Document


Our new project is to design a high concept design document but we have to use the board game we made as a point of inspiration and turn it into a video game we can make it anything we like as long as it has elements of our board game in it such as characters location. My initial thoughts for this were to make the game location set in desert locations and looking in ruins for different objects maybe for treasure or to save someone. my thoughts on genre would be i would make it an open world rpg very much like fable,skyrim etc so the player could go to different places and have a variety of places to go whcich would not limit him to just the one sandy terrain.

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Game Rules


Star of the Lost City
The Game

This game is based around the mode free for all, meaning no teams are involved when the game is happening. The only player you can rely on is yourself, while always being aware and cautious of what the other players are doing on the board at all times.


To decide who starts first each player must roll a dice, whoever has the highest number on their dice roll means they will start first. If two or more players roll the same number they must keep rolling the dice until someone rolls the highest. The player turn rotation will be clockwise from the first person who starts the board game.


For the first turn of every character they can only move the amount of blocks they are allowed, due to it being the first turn they cannot attack any other characters until the next turn. Once the first round of moves are over, players can then move their character and also on the same turn be able to attack other characters. You are only allowed to attack one character per turn, unless stated otherwise in someone’s special ability for example.
Ranged – Ranged characters are permitted to move 1 block per turn.
Melee – Melee characters are permitted to move 2 blocks per turn.


When a player decides to attack a character they must first roll a dice to find out whether they hit or miss the enemy. Rolling a 1-3 means you will be able to hit the opponent, this means rolling a 4-6 will result in missing the opponent, and thus meaning your turn is over.
- Ranged characters can only attack an opponent if they are within a 3 space distance, if they are out of the 3 space distance it means they will not be able to attack the opponent unless they move closer.
- Melee characters can only attack an opponent if they within a 1 space distance, if they are out of the 1 space distance it means they will not be able to attack the opponent unless they move closer.


If the player successfully rolls a 1-3 on the dice to hit the opponent, they must then roll the dice again to determine the damage on the opponent.
Rolling a 1 = 10 damage | Rolling a 2 = 20 damage | Rolling a 3 = 30 damage
Rolling a 4 = 40 damage | Rolling a 5 = 50 damage | Rolling a 6 = 60 damage

Special Abilities

Each character has a special ability they can use, to use a special ability they must first draw a card which allows them to use it.
When a person initiates a fight the standard procedure for hit or miss is applied, as well as the
damage. However, when rolling for damage you will also roll a special second dice which will
determine whether you pick up a battle card from the deck supplied with the board game.
Among the deck of cards there are various different types that can be obtained and used, some will be useful in battle (buffs) however some will not. When you roll the special dice if you land on the colour black you can pick up a battle card, landing on any other colour will mean
nothing is obtained.
If you succesfully land on the colour black you will pick up a battle card from the top of the deck, obtaining a good card means you can use it whenever you want however if in a next turn you
succesfully get a battle card again your previous one will be discarded and the new one will be yours. This means that if you obtain a special ability card and don’t use it in time, you have
wasted a chance to use it and you will need to use the next one.
If you are able to pick up a battle card and it isn’t useful to your character it will automatically be applied to your character. For example if you get a minus life card, then the life will be taken away from you immeditately. This also applies to the cards skip a turn, joker (half life) and minus life.

List Of Battle Cards x28

+10 Health x4
+10 Damage (To Basic Attack) x4
+20 Health x2
+20 Damage (To Basic Attack) x2
Skip Turn x2
Null Card (Does Nothing) x4
Joker (Lose Half Of Current Health) x2
Special Ability x8

HP (Hit points)

Depending on whose character you play as the health on the character will vary; if you decide to play as a melee character you will start off with 250hp (hit points). However, if you decide to play as a melee with healing capabilities it results in you starting with an extra 10hp. Lastly, if you start as a ranged character you will start with 200hp, due to being ranged and having the option to shoot players numerous spaces away from yourself you will have less health.


Rob – 250hp - (Melee)
Aaron – 250hp - (Melee)
Safina – 260hp - (Melee/Healer)
Jack – 200p - (Ranged)
Jamie – 200hp - (Ranged)
Josh – 200hp - (Ranged)
Chris – 250hp - (Melee)

Characters Special Abilities

Rob (Seduction) – This special ability can seduce anyone within a 1 space radius,
allowing this player to control them for 2 turns, however seducing that player means
you cannot attack them for 2 turns.
Aaron (Critical) – This special ability can be used to double the attack damage of a
move this character does, for example if this character rolls an attack damage of 6,
they can then use this ability to double the damage from 60 to 120.
Safina (Health Steal) – This special ability drains 50hp from a selected opponent
within a 2 space radius, the 50hp are then added onto the current character, the
total hp of this character cannot go over 260hp
Jack (Fire) – This special ability burns a selected player for 3 turns (-20hp per turn),
must be within a 1 space radius to cast.
Jamie (Copycat) – This special ability copies anyone’s special ability within a 3 space
radius, meaning this character can essentially use any special ability on the board.
Josh (Double hit) – This special ability hits two people within 1 space of this
character, causing 25 damage to each character. If there is only 1 person within the space radius then 40 damage is inflicted on the opponent.
Chris (Trap) – This special ability deals 40 damage to a selected player within a
1 space radius, along with this the opponent will also miss a turn.

board game presentation and feedback


Presentation and feedback

In this post i will be showing you feedback from our board game i will also show you through pictures how we made the board i will be showing you some of the feedback forms chosen at random (so we haven't cheated) to show you what feedback we had and mainly it was very pleasing feedback but we also had some criticism from our players about what could be made to make the game play experience better which is the main purpose so first i will show you the stages of our board and the inspirations for it.

The board 

We Chose a rather strange shape for our board design but we thought making it a star shape we will be able to give each player his own coloured zone to spawn in.

This was the very first design of our map that was a star shape the mmap was still that simple that at this point all it had was lines connecting to dots and we game tested to see if the map was a good experiance to play on and we felt that movement on the map could be statigic yet simple and everything seemed to flow there was never any points where in games testing or game presentation that a player did not know how to move (with a quick tutorial first of course) after this we then decided to raise the board by gluing card around the radius of the star.


This is the board raised up on the card we did this because we chose an area for our game a kind of sceniro and we chose that this game will be set in a ancient ruined city in the dessert so if we raised the board we could add things around the side of the board making it a lot nicer to look at after this
This is a picture of our board almost finished as you can see it is now capable of gameplay we could of left it like this but we went one better and decided to add a wooden tile underneath almost like a support but just placing it under would not make it look like it was standing in the ruins of an anciant city so we painted the wood white as a base layer and while it was wet and kind of sticky we tipped brown sugar onto it making it look like a layer of sand was on top of the board making the scene a little more beliavale for the player. To really finish it off we added some ruins we made by hand to make it look even better.
This is our final porduct a fully playable as you can see in this picture we have added the wooden board and brown suagar i think it gives the board a really nice effect to look at on pictures or in person becuase it does look like sand is really on the map and the ruins we all made really was a good idea as it made the map look complete and well fit into our chosen environment and as a finishing touch we printed out pictures of ruins we found and stuck them onto the cardboard holding the map up to make it look a little nicer and to hide the black card which would not of fit in the maps appearance at all.

The Feedback

While the students wer playing our game they were having a good time lots of laughing and smiling which is ultimately what we wanted because if the game isnt fun people wont play it here are some videos that i personally filmed while others were playing the game enjoy.
We also supplied the students with feedback orms after they had finished there games feedback was very positive throughout i think the students had a very good time playing due to not having a lot of constructive critisim which shows they were happy playing the game.

These are the feedback froms we made to give to the students we chose these at random



In conclusion i beleive in 3 weeks we made a very good game the mechanics were solid so nothing could of gone wrong and nothing did through play testing and presentation day and also the board and game looked very plaeasing for the player. I could never of done this by myself so i would also like to thank the reast of the team game would not of been anywhere near as good as it is now without you so good work guys.
(our game will NOT be on sale in stores near you) 


Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Character Development

Character development

During this project one of the main aspects was the creation of our character in other posts i explained about my players world, his powers and how my player ultimately fits in the this post apocalyptic planet. So throughout this post i will show you my initial sketches for what my character will look like i will also say what i liked and didn't like about how he looked so enjoy.
This was my first initial sketch i made him look more western looking with the bullet belts around his chest and old western type hat i liked that the character could easily fit into my world because he does look well equipped and with his tattered clothes that indicates that he has been in this environment for a while and will know how to survive. But i don't like the fact he looks too normal this man is the main character on a game yet he looks like an average Joe which is why i went with a different idea.
This is my second design i chose a more armoured stormtrooper type character is someone playing this game were to see this player without the outside world they would think the land would be pretty vicious. I like that this character looks heavily armoured but still looks like he can be agile in a fight the thing i don't like about this is it doesn't look realistic it looks too futuristic for my characters time so i tried another design.

This was my 3rd design i made him look slightly armoured with shoulder guards giving him some protection and also the device on his arm could protect him to some extent but this device is mainly used to channel his powers and to make them more powerful he also has a helmet to protect his face and to help him breathe in hazardous areas. What i like about this design is that he has something tailor made for him and this world he has the device on his arm that uses his powers for what ever test that faces him but i still don't like the fact he looks normal he doesn't look 'badass' enough yet so i tried another

This is my final design I decided that since my player had joined a spec ops/ guerrilla attack type force called the rangers he should look like a ranger so i went with the classic Lord Of The Rings/ Robin Hood type cloaks that have a hood and long cape attached. I then gave him an armoured stomach plate that will give a lot of his midsection protection but will still allow him to be very agile in battle allowing him to move faster he has a big bandage on his arm the is not because of an injury this is because the rangers weapon of choice is a bow they use it because it is almost silent and ammo is east to make and retrievable the bandage on his arm is to stop the bot string hitting him and cutting his arm. As you can see the patterns on his clothes are elvish inspired to give his clothes more meaning they could be elvish writing or symbols it could even been his rank in the rangers.
So there are all my designs with why i liked them and why i didn't and in the next post i will show you how i turned my paper artwork into sculpting artwork.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

My characters story and his worlds doom


My World And Its Doom


In my last post I spoke about my world having a Gene-Remodelling Apocalypse so basically in this post i will tell you the story of my world and how it brought upon its doom and in a separate segment i will explain my characters story basically how he is different to everyone else his story and how he got there all those kind of things.

The planets story

In the year 2020 a group of leading biological scientists had discovered a way to alter the Genes of men, women and children though a very complex operation at the time this operation offered more years to your life you could ask to be smarter or to be stronger faster etc but these operations were extremely expensive out of reach of nearly all people on earth and only being available to most billionaires. In the year 2040 another scientist discovered another better way to alter peoples genes he discovered a way that drinking a serum full of different chemicals and nano bots they could alter your genes with no need of operation but between the 20 years of scientists changing genes they found ways to give people powers such as giving people the ability to shoot flames from there hands or to harness electricity almost anything you wanted could now be possible with a drink but there was a downside to this the boost you got would only last a couple of hours before it expired leaving you the same as you was before so you would have to keep drinking to keep it up. Since this procedure was now as simple as buying a drink it became a lot cheaper and spread across the world now the average Joe could drink the serum and have a handful of fire to do as he wanted. After a few years people that had almost constant exposure to the serum started to become ill almost like they became allergic to the serum but they would also become addicted to it at the same time but since it was so easy to acquire no one could stop them purchasing more serum after as more time passed they became to become extremely violent towards anyone that was not like them by this time it was to late for them to be helped they were too dangerous to be close to. Within a few days of them being in this state they would begin to deform and mutate but that's not it if the subject had very severe mutations they would almost become the living embodiment of the last serum they drank with permanent powers. After they had hit this stage there was no help for them after a few days it was an all out world war between these mutant humans and the non mutant humans but with the mutants becoming more many everyday and more powerful humans become out numbered by mutants and self preservation of a species became the only thing left to do so they scattered all across the world hiding and trying to start again from there now corrupt existence.

The Story Of My Character

My Character was born during the Great war between mutants but there is nothing special about this a lot of children were born that year the same as all the others but what makes my character different is that while he was no older than 1 his parents tried to escape a group a mutants the mutants found them because they here living in a serum plant which is a facility that makes all the serums when my characters family and others were spotted a huge battle erupted in the heat of the battle the heaters for the plant were destroyed causing a huge explosion causing everything there to be drenched in the serum but it was not made to be poured on the outside of the body in such a large quantity it began to burn and eat away at the flesh of everyone there killing everyone...but one it left my character alive to be discovered by a group of passing humans survivors but the explosion did not leave him completely un scarred he was left with bright red glowing eyes to this day no one knows how he survived some people say he absorbed the powers of the serums and others say the serums absorbed I'm corrupting his very soul but the group of survivors took him in and raised him as one of there own as he grew he became stronger, smarter and faster than children his own age and as he grew more this theme didn't stop but the full force of his powers were not realised until his camp was attacked at night by a group of mutants they killed everyone some tried to flee but they had nowhere to go they were surrounded my character was among one of the ones that tried to escape as the mutants charged at them everyone screamed as this happened my characters eyes began to glow intensely until a huge flam spread out of all both his hands the sheer shock of this scared the mutants back to where they came from. after that my character left that night never to return he joined a group known as the rangers this was an elite group of hunters that would silently with bows launch guerrilla style attacks on the mutants it is here where the player learnt to harness his gifts and begin his journey to try to retake the world. 


Apocalypse selection

Induction Project

Our first project back character/ game design project over our time of we were asked to design a character that would fit into our own self made post- apocalyptic world over this post i will show you my thoughts on what Apocalypse i chose and why along with my inspirations and why my character will fit into my world i will first begin by showing you all the ideas i had during this we was not aloud to pick a zombie apocalypse because a lot of people would end up with the same type of game. 

My Apocalypse Ideas

These are all the ideas i had for causing an apocalypse

1) Demons rise from out of the earth

2)Giant Tsunami
3) The Sun Becomes a Red Giant
4) World War 3
5) asteroid impact
6) Black Death returns immune to known medicine
7) Alien invasion
8) Gene Re-modelling
9) Huge solar flare
10) Super volcano eruption
Out of these 10 situations i then narrowed it down and chose 4 of these i will tell you why i have chose them in a short description.
3) The sun Becomes a red giant
I think this would be a good scenario because know one has ever really done it before through film or games so there will be really know stereotypes of what it should look like. also this Apocalypse will be a completely natural that will eventually happen to earth.
6) Black death returning and being immune to medicine
I think this would be good because everyone knows about what the bubonic plague is and how many it killed because there was know medical treatment to cure it in those times so if it returned and adapted to all of our known medicine it would be like what happened in medieval times but worse since the world is more accessible than it was in medieval times with flying so the disease would not be contained in one place.
8) Gene-remodelling
This would be a great chance to really experiment with what you could do to give players a multitude of ability's to use because there genes have been changed essentially they could be turned into anything if the technology was available or you could give them certain powers such as fire, ice, electricity and these are just initial thoughts they could have many more powers.
10) Super Volcano eruption
This is another apocalypse that could actually happen if a super volcano erupted it wouldn't just cut off most travel it would also plunge the earth into a volcanic winter which would basically be another ice age because of the pieces of sulphur reflecting the suns rays back towards the sun allowing none to hit the earth of course with the huge loss of light most the plants on earth would die making the food chain collapse.
Now out of these four i chose one final apocalypse

The big Decision

My doomsday of choice was the gene re-modelling option i thought that it would be fun to have a man made apocalypse through humans making themselves better but ultimately corrupting themselves and destroying there own homes because of there new installed
Happy Apocalypse!