Saturday, 19 January 2013

level design evolution


The evolution of our level

like every deign process there is an evolution that will happen to come to the final product this can come across through different things from reasons like the level would be improved by having this change in its layout or changed smaller due to lack of time with our map we have both of these reasons
Like most designers who are given a task to make something that actually exists in real life to make it more realistic and ratable i first looked at plans of real schools like this
with all these new designs and idea i began to make my own designs from these pictures i leaned that schools are not the most diverse shaped buildings in the world with most the rooms square or rectangular with the entire building following the square rectangular shape this did make it easier to make since it wasn't hard to start sketching simple buildings with square/rectangle rooms
Now this was my first simple design of a school even though its not labelled i did have ideas where most classes and the courtyard would be placed but i just didn't feel that this design was very good so i moved on

This was my next design it was a little more diverse but the way i would of set it out i don't think would of made a good level it seemed to linear where you could walk from one end of the level to the other without having to turn so i moved on from this design
This was my nest design i felt very happy with the way this level would be set out i thought it was pretty diverse in terms of placement of rooms there was lots of corridors and corners perfect for a horror game so there was lots of places to have moving/falling items the player would see out of the corner of there eye along with this level i included a basement area and an upstairs bedroom was added this may seem strange but between the time of this and the last designs our team has decided to turn the level into a boarding school so the school would of needed space for its supplies and food like a basement/storage area and it would of also needed bedrooms.

This is the plan for the basement i chose to use a simple design with 3 rooms with all different purposes one to hold supplies like crates/ barrels one to hold beds and another to hold all the broken equipment like broken tables and benches.

this is the plan for the bedrooms they are also very simple one room for girl rooms opposite room is the boys room and the one at the back is the headmaster room



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